Intellectual Output 3

Guidelines for creating inclusive international learning environments

The goal of Intellectual Output 3 is to create and disseminate in a publicly accessible form guidelines on how to enable and organize international digital learning environments.  

These virtual and blended environments will include courses created to prepare for an international experience, thus permitting rich interaction with the host institution, city, and country. They will include modules on European cultural competences accessible by learners of all kinds and enable innovative solutions like carrying out practical activities in university laboratories. The intellectual outcome has a great transferability potential as it could be adopted by any university that wishes to provide digital learning beyond simple online lessons.

The activities planned for producing the guidelines are composed of the following steps: first, an analysis will be performed of the surveys already carried out during the pandemic and new jointly designed ones to map and understand the main difficulties met by students and teachers in current virtual environments and define a set of requirements to create optimal virtual environments; with the help of experts in psychology and communication, possible solutions and strategies will be designed to facilitate the virtual integration of mobile students; in particular we will focus on practical online activities outside of a physical laboratory for disciplines such as computer science, physics and health sciences, proposing and testing solutions for their efficacy; nano-modules will be offered to promote European values, citizenship and history, and engage students in a virtual interchange leading to a reflection on European diversity and unity; the solutions proposed will be tested in all partner universities to verify their effectiveness; as a final outcome of this process, we will define a set of guidelines, based on a formal model, on how to improve the perception of the classroom climate and university life, but also to assess the risks of failures and actions to mitigate their effects.

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European competences

This is a set of nano-modules, offered to raise the awareness of what it means to be European, increase students’ cultural competences...

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