Intellectual Output 1

Short and flexible course modules to develop digital competences

The objective of Intellectual Output 1 is to enhance the digital competences and skills of all university community components and to easily access and exploit the potentiality of the platforms and tools used in digital learning.

To achieve this objectives, multiple activities are planned in order to develop, pilot, test, implement and perfect learning-teaching materials and formulate guidelines for short flexible and progressive learning.

The activities involve developing a set of course modules and fully implementing them across the partner universities.

Starting with a “basic survival kit” to introduce to the main tools and methods for online teaching and learning, the project will develop specific modules on the more relevant collaboration and engagement tools, on digital content production and in particular video tutorials and podcasts, on advanced use of Learning Management Systems, as well as webinars on ethics and norms of social behaviour in the new environment (security, protection of personal data, privacy, digital identity, and rules of etiquette and acceptable behaviour).

These modules will be internationally certifiable with credits awarded for the achieved learning outcomes.

The modules will contain elements from the five competence areas of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.0) but will be specifically tailored for the university world and to the educational context, simulating real scenarios of the universities learning process using digital techniques. The modules will be designed for being delivered online and will be made available to everyone on the website of each partner university.

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