
First ENLIVEN Newsletter

We are delighted to welcome you to our first newsletter! We have entered into very exciting times for the project, with the e-modules evaluation and piloting phase.

This newsletter is published to spread our news and the opportunities offered by the project.

You can read about some of the topics described in our newsletter below:

  1. Survival Kit for students and teachers (page 2)
  2. COVID-19 and the best practices (page 3)
  3. Exploit the full potential of virtual learning (page 4)

Happy reading!

Please keep in touch if you are interested about the topics discussed in our first newsletter.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on our social platforms Twitter and Facebook!


ENLIVEN at HEAd’22 International Conference

Our project partner, the University of Pisa, proposed a paper involving the results obtained from the data analysis collected from the ENLIVEN survey.

We are glad that the paper “Increasing engagement and student participation in Higher Education: insights from the University of Pisa during COVID-19” has been presented at HEAd’22 conference as a full paper. All papers went through a rigorous review process and each paper was reviewed by at least two program committee members. Out of 269 paper submissions, less than one third have been accepted as full papers.

The work was presented by Lukasz Szczygiel (UNIPI) on June 15, 2022, at the conference venue, the Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).

Paper abstract

The emergency distance learning methods adopted to face the pandemic are connected to some inherent problems which concern the lack of social aspects, interactions, and motivation. These and other frequent issues threaten to stop the opportunities offered by the widespread use of educational technology. This paper examines how the Higher Education Institutions adapted to the evolution of the pandemic, compared to relevant insights from University of Pisa gathered during the academic year 2020/21.

Focusing on the communicative and socio-emotional aspects of the didactic event, we propose engagement tools – real-time interaction applications designed to increase active learning and motivation – as a feasible solution that might tackle some of the emerged teaching-learning issues. In this context, it appears that the potential of these versatile and easy-to-apply tools has not been fully exploited. Specific teacher training actions are therefore suggested.

Szczygiel, Lukasz & Iannella, Alessandro & Simi, Maria. (2022). Increasing engagement and student participation in Higher Education: insights from the University of Pisa during COVID-19. 10.4995/HEAd22.2022.14612

Check out the full paper and other research from our project partners here.

About Head’22

The 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22) is a consolidated forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, opinions, and research results relating to the preparation of students, teaching/learning methodologies, and the organization of educational systems.

Intellectual Output 2 News

COVID-19 and the best teaching practices

We are sharing some of the best practices and innovative approaches used at the ENLIVEN partner universities during the emergency situation. The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO2/A1 Intellectual Output.

All partners contributed with the materials, evaluations and insights, focused on teaching, developed to face the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of our interviews are organised by following two main question topics:

  1. questions regarding re-organisation of education during the pandemic at institutional level.
  2. questions regarding learning and teaching during pandemic.

You can read and download the results below:


ENLIVEN Open Education Resources (OERs)

Table of Contents
  1. First ENLIVEN Newsletter
  2. ENLIVEN at HEAd’22 International Conference
    1. Paper abstract
    2. About Head’22
  3. COVID-19 and the best teaching practices
    1. You can read and download the results below:
  4. ENLIVEN Open Education Resources (OERs)
  5. Videos
    1. Virtual Exchange (promotional video)
    2. Diversity & Inclusion videos and video-podcasts
    3. Webinar series: Living and Behaving in a Digital World
    4. Advanced Moodle course module
    5. Virtual Learning Moodle Course
    6. Mastering Learning Management Systems Course
    7. Digital contents producers
    8. Collaboration and engagement tools
    9. European competences (Doris Wydra)
  6. Documents
    1. Guidelines for creating inclusive international learning environments
    2. Scientific Publications
    1. Meeting in Pisa April 6, 2022
    2. The presentation can be found here:
  8. Support Measures for Students in e-Learning Environments
    1. Designing Virtual Support Measures for Students in International Learning Environments
    2. Social dimension of learning and the necessity of developing new forms of virtual mobility for all
    3. The complete report is now available:
  9. Requirement analysis – Report on the online survey
    1. Are you curious about the main difficulties in using digital platforms met by students and teachers?
    2. Based on the analysis some key findings were identified:
    3. More findings can be found in the report below:
  10. Desk research to exploit the full potential of virtual learning
    1. You can read and download the Desk Research results below:
  11. The Survival Kit is now available online
  12. What is the Survival Kit?
    1. Check out the results by clicking on the link below:


Virtual Exchange (promotional video)

Virtual ExchangeView & DownloadUHAM23/08/2022

Diversity & Inclusion videos and video-podcasts

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO2/A4 Intellectual Output:

Digital StudyingView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Gender, Diversity, Inclusion in Salzburg (students video)View & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Doris WydraView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Dženeta KarabegovicView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Vicky KönigView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Zoe LefkofridiView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Ewald Hiebl (PLUS)View & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022

Webinar series: Living and Behaving in a Digital World

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO1/A5 Intellectual Output:

Topic: Digital identity

#1. Personal identity in the digital frameworkView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#2. Is anonymity possible on the internet?View & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#3. The right to be forgotten and its limitsView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#4. The creation of false accounts and identity theftView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#5. The threats of facial recognitionView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022

Topic: Data Protection in scientific research

#1. What is the GDPR?View & DownloadNOVA01/11/2022
#2. Privacy by designView & DownloadNOVA01/11/2022
#3. Before the project startsView & DownloadNOVA01/11/2022

Topic: Protection of personal data

#1. Information privacy problems in digital ecosystems & Data protection in digital ecosystemsView & DownloadRelated researchUHAM01/10/2022
#2. Databases and their limits. Ethics, strategy and protection of personal rights in Archival databases and databases of scientific collectionsView & DownloadPDFUHAM23/08/2022

Topic: Rules of etiquette and acceptable behaviour

#1. How to support students with special needsView & DownloadTLU01/10/2022
#2. Correct behaviour in delivering online lecturesView & DownloadUNS01/10/2022
#3. Correct behaviour from students point of viewView & DownloadUNS01/10/2022
#4. How to treat issues of research ethics and data protectionView & DownloadTLU01/10/2022

Topic: Multilingualism

Activities for Webinar #1 and #2 DownloadPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Portuguese)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Italian)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Estonian)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (German)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Serbian)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (German)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Portuguese)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Italian)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Serbian)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Estonian)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)

Advanced Moodle course module

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO1/A4 Intellectual Output:

#1. Setting up your course and facilitate accessView & DownloadUNIPI01/09/2022
#2. Effective communicationView & DownloadUNIPI01/09/2022
#3. Quiz activity – creating the questionsView & DownloadUNIPI01/09/2022
#4. Quiz activity – settingsView & DownloadUNIPI01/09/2022
#5. Assignment activityView & DownloadUNIPI01/09/2022
#6. Collaborative activitiesView & DownloadUNIPI01/09/2022

Virtual Learning Moodle Course

The overall goal of the course is to empower e-teaching and e-learning at universities across Europe. 

The course consists of eight micro modules, each 1 ECTS credit point (total 8 ECTS): (1) Whole-school approach to Online and Blended Teaching and Learning, (2) Digital educational resources, (3) Digital platforms for communication and collaboration, (4) Effective teaching and learning, (5) Assessment practices, (6) Online vs. Blended vs. Traditional teaching and learning, (7) Instructional design, and (8) Digital Competence and evaluation tools. 

Virtual LearningDownload (Moodle .mbz format)

Mastering Learning Management Systems Course

This is a self-paced, independent study course. This course should take you from six hours to complete, up to 25 or more if you dig in deep in the documentation.

Mastering LMSDownload (Moodle .mbz format)

Digital contents producers

This module deals with the working process and the aspects that influence the creation of a good podcast: from finding interesting topics, collecting material and ideas, to the evaluation of the result. Technical aspects are also covered: technical equipment, the use of Audacity for recording, the creation, editing, and mixing of sounds. 

All the modules can be used in different learning and teaching environments: in the context of a self-learning process as well as integrated in courses and teaching units. Start with the “start.pdf”-file. This will lead you to the other resources (video-podcast, audio-podcasts, texts). 

To get access to the modules you can either download the zip-file with all the files to your device and start with “start.pdf” or you click on “View” below, start with the first page and navigate with the links in the files (use the back- and forward-button in your browser). Preferably use Edge or Chrome. There can be some technical issues with Firefox and Safari.

Please give us your feedback in a short survey (5 minutes) in order to make our modules better: SURVEY

On the use of digital content producersDownload (zip)

Collaboration and engagement tools

Micro-module: 1 – Collaborative ToolsView & DownloadUNS28/05/2022
Micro-module: 2 – Engagement and communication toolsView & DownloadUNS27/04/2022
Micro-module: 3 – Whiteboarding ToolsView & DownloadUNS27/04/2022

European competences (Doris Wydra)

Module 1.1 – What does it mean to be European? – What is Europe?View & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 1.2 – What does it mean to be European?View & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 1.3 – What does it mean to be European? – United in diversityView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 2.1 – European Languages and public sphere – European languagesView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 2.2 – European Languages and public sphere – Public SphereView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 3.1 – European cultures – Cultural expressionsView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 3.2 – European cultures – Cultural heritageView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 3.3 – European cultures – International cultural relationsView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023


Desk research to exploit the full potential of virtual learningView & DownloadUNS03/02/2021
COVID-19 and
the best teaching PRACTICES (summary of interviews)
View & DownloadTLU28/12/2021
Support Measures for Students in e-Learning EnvironmentsView & DownloadUHAM30/03/2022
Requirement analysis – Report on the online surveyView & DownloadUNS03/02/2021

Guidelines for creating inclusive international learning environments

GuidelinesGuidelines homepage
Download (PDF)
Ebook (epub)
ENLIVEN Partners02/2023

Scientific Publications

E-learning in the times of COVID-19: The main challenges in Higher Education19th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and ApplicationsPaper10.1109/ICETA54173.2021.9726554Janika Leoste (TLU),
Slavko Rakić (UNS),
Francesco Marcelloni (UNIPI),
Maria Francesca Zuddio (UNIPI)
Increasing engagement and student participation in Higher Education: insights from the University of Pisa during COVID-19Eighth International Conference on Higher Education AdvancesPaper10.4995/HEAd22.2022.14612Lukasz Szczygiel (UNIPI), Alessandro Iannella,(University of Milan), Maria Simi (UNIPI)06/2022
of E-learning
in Higher
Education –
7th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional DevelopmentPaper10.1007/978-981-19-5240-1_10Janika Leoste (TLU) Larissa Jõgi (TLU) Tiia Õun (TLU) Ugljesa Marjanovic (UNS) Slavko Rakic (UNS) Simone Schöndorfer (PLUS) Zoe Lefkofridi (PLUS)07/2022
Intellectual Output 3 News

Support Measures for Students in e-Learning Environments

Designing Virtual Support Measures for Students in International Learning Environments

With the help of psychologists, neuroscientists, communication scientists and social networks/media experts we designed some possible solutions and strategies to overcome the problems identified during the firsts activities of the Intellectual Output 3. In particular we are building upon the Requirement Analysis Report where we have identified some key findings from online surveys carried out jointly by the Enliven partners.

Social dimension of learning and the necessity of developing new forms of virtual mobility for all

For various reasons, the majority of students will not be able to experience physical mobility, even after the pandemic. This report includes suggestions, recommendations and challenges on how digital learning environments can be shaped to enable those participating in a virtual exchange to have similar experiences and interactions as those who actually physically go abroad. We focus on the social dimension of intercultural learning and living in the digital world.

The complete report is now available:

Intellectual Output 3 News

Requirement analysis – Report on the online survey

Are you curious about the main difficulties in using digital platforms met by students and teachers?

We have identified some key findings from online surveys carried out jointly by the Enliven partners. These surveys describe what 1286 participants experienced during the academic year 2020/2021.

It is also the first step towards the goals expressed in the Intellectual Output 3 where we aim to create and disseminate in publicly accessible form guidelines on enabling and organizing international digital learning environments.

Based on the analysis some key findings were identified:

  • 95% of respondents have experience using digital learning environments
  • 22% of respondents claimed that they do not have enough technical knowledge to compile necessary educational resources
  • 91% of respondents did not participate in international mobility in the academic year 2020/21
  • 97% of classes were delivered online in the academic year 2020/21
  • Only 27% of respondents used tools for engagements

More findings can be found in the report below:

Intellectual Output 2 News

Desk research to exploit the full potential of virtual learning

We have published a document summarizing some of the existing virtual learning experiences and practices adopted by the Higher Education Institutions in Europe. In particular, the core task of this activity was to broaden the picture of how the COVID-19 emergency affected teaching and learning methods and approaches outside the ENLIVEN partner universities. The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO2/A3 Intellectual Output:

This document forms the basis for the next project activities which are described in the Intellectual Output 2. By integrating existing – state-of-the-art – data from outside the ENLIVEN partnership with our own research and experience we are laying solid foundations for the development of future e-courses and for an overall improvement of virtual learning activities.

You can read and download the Desk Research results below:

Intellectual Output 1 News

The Survival Kit is now available online

We are happy to announce that the ENLIVEN project partners have developed and published the first version of the Digital Survival Kit.

What is the Survival Kit?

The ENLIVEN Survival Kit provides support for the use of basic digital methods and tools in response to emerging needs in today’s learning and teaching context.

It consists of a set of set of micro-modules, with video materials, tutorials, and best practices for users that need a quick introduction for some of the most common tools and methods used for learning and teaching. Thanks to the Survival Kit you should be able to solve some of the most common problems in the platforms used for in presence and distance learning.

Check out the results by clicking on the link below: